Survivor 42 Log

Survivor 42 Week 3

  • 7:35AM March 29, 2022
  • Charles Bergeron


Maryanne finds herself the beware advantage, giving her a chance of scoring her idol. Despite having perhaps the most awkward phrase to use so far, I feel like she pulled it off well and it fit in perfectly with her character. (+5 immunity points)

Dang, John beasted that challenge solo. Wild that he's such a physical threat, it wraps around to him being an absolute necessity for his tribe. Will he do what Terry couldn't in Panama? Orange tribe picks up a runaway immunity and reward win, while blue tribe sneaks a second place finish.

A *wild* tribal, largely due to Chanelle risking her vote after convincing Omar there was no chance of her doing so. He's got a surprise waiting for him, and it's not the extra vote he's expecting to see. Green tribe's first tribal ends with a 2 man deadlock, and Daniel opens the conversation by letting Hai know he will absotely cave over going for rocks, and burn every bridge along the way. Hai accepts his plea bargain. Poor Jenny, a victim of other's gameplay. How soon is too soon for another second chances season? I feel like I'm saying that a lot lately.

*Note*: I didn't pick up who said the episode title this week: Go for the Gusto. I'll award the 3 confessional points once I review the tapes. Did you catch it on your first pass? Let me know on twitter at @Charrberg !

Omar has been credited the episode title confessional points (+3)