Survivor 43 Log

Survivor 43 Week 12

  • 12:09PM December 08, 2022
  • Charles Bergeron

The penultimate episode! Karla sheds some aligabler tears in her Telenovela version of survivor, for 3 confessional points. Jesse scores his usual 2 immunity points, and Karla 1. They each end up scoring 5 more immunity points for having played their idols (but no bonus for a save, as Owen/Karla were not in danger votes wise. This differs from the Noelle extra vote scenario, as Cody could never have played his idol for himself here. Jesse playing Cody's idol flushed out Karla's, but Cody was toast either way).

Team reward points for Owen, Karla, Cody, and another individual win for Cassidy!

Perhaps my favourite move ever being played by Jesse - This is a game winning move, and the culmination of his trust with Cody, knowing where the idols are, dynamics when they're played, and he immediately owned the move (just like he did with Noelle). He just has to make it through firemaking and it's seemingly in the bag!