Survivor 43 Log

Survivor 43 Week 8

  • 8:47AM November 10, 2022
  • Charles Bergeron

BREAKING NEWS: DWIGHT HANDS OFF IDOL TO JESSE MOMENTS BEFORE TRIBAL. JESSE SCORES TWO POINTS FOR IDOLS IN POCKET AT START OF EPISODE. Karla scores one, assuming it was passed back to her after tribal. If this isn't true, scores will be updated.

Owen pulls out the big solo immunity W right on time! Cody second place again, and that wrestling match continues to haunt him. At least he said the episode title Preposterous (with a typo though).

Jeanine had perhaps one of the most brutal post-merge runs. And now alone at ponderosa, won't even know that her idol was still out there in the wild. She'll be surprised as the rest of us. Can't wait.