The internet's favorite High Fantasy League returns, presented by The Verge and culture reporter Kaitlyn Tiffany (@kait_tiffany).
Unlisted characters will become free agents and added to draft pools after they appear.
Draft a team before the premiere July 16, 2017.
Contact the scorekeeper on Twitter for questions about scoring at @GoGoTFantasy
Contact the scorekeeper on Twitter for questions about scoring at @GoGoTFantasy
10 Kill Random Character (note: capped at 50pts / scene as in S6)
15 Kill White Walker
25 Kill Known or Drafted Character
100 Kill Sitting King
150 Kill Dragon
5 K.O./Incapacitate Random Character
15 K.O./Incapacitate Known or Drafted Character
50 Exit Bonus for Dying Memorably
5 Bold Come-ons
10 Have Sex with a Random
15 Have Sex with Known or Drafted Character
25 Have Sex with Blood Relative
10 Watch People Have Sex
5 Getting Naked (PG-13)
15 Getting Naked (Butt/Boobs)
25 Getting Naked (The Whole Shebang)
5 Funny One-Liner
10 Brutal One-Liner
5 Speech About Winter/Violence/The Past
200 Take the Iron Throne
60 Sack a City
25 Get a Seat on the High Council
50 Magic Use
50 Acquire Some Valyrian Steel
20 Have a Vision/Prophecy
15 Take up a Weird/New Religion
10 Get Engaged
15 Get Pregnant/Get Someone Pregnant
-20 Lose a Baby
25 Promotions
-25 Demotions
50 Come Back from the Dead
5 Each Time a Drafted Player has a Drinking/Eating Scene
- Character has to be seen taking at least ONE drink or bite during the scene
- The Drink does NOT have to be alcoholic
- Character will NOT be awarded for each individual drink or bite
- Points do not stack if a character eats and drinks in the same scene
- Points will NOT be awarded for presumed consumption
Name | Violence | Sex/Nudity | Wits | Status | Food | Total |
Episode 7 Recap - https://www.theverge.com/2017/8/28/16214110/game-of-thrones-season-7-episode-7-fantasy-league-recap
8/27 - Preliminary final scores are posted. You'll receive an email notification when your league standings are final.
Revision for Episode 6: Confirmed: Arya retained the Valyerian Steel. (Sansa -50).
Episode 6 Recap & Scoring: https://www.theverge.com/2017/8/21/16177632/game-of-thrones-season-7-episode-6-recap-fantasy-league
Revision for Episode 4 for confirmation Daenerys didn't take Highgarden.

Revisions: Meera Reed (+10 line to Bran), Jon Snow (+10 line to Theon)
Episode 1 Revision: Jaime +50 for acquiring Valyrian Steel (Widow's Wail)
Episode 4 Recap https://www.theverge.com/2017/8/7/16105324/game-of-thrones-season-7-episode-4-recap-fantasy-league
Revisions 8/1: Euron +25 for status for Royal Navy, Cersei +5 for drinking antidote
Week 3 Recap: https://www.theverge.com/2017/7/31/16067208/game-of-thrones-season-7-episode-3-recap-fantasy-league
Week 2 Recap https://www.theverge.com/2017/7/24/16018224/game-of-thrones-season-7-episode-2-stormborn-recap-fantasy-league
Stat Corrections 7/25/2017:
Tyene +10 Kill
Obara +5 Drink
Theon +5 Drink
Harrag +30 for capturing and +5 for killing
Free Agents Hot Pie and Dickon Tarly to be added for trades Weds.
Week 1 Recap and Breakdown https://www.theverge.com/2017/7/17/15979110/game-of-thrones-season-7-episode-1-dragonstone-recap-fantasy-league
The Verge's Draft and Preview https://www.theverge.com/2017/7/7/15892436/game-of-thrones-season-seven-preview-fantasy-league
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